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#18 Framing the view

Putting the right hierarchy in place.

We’re always on the lookout for the best results. Ways to get from one thing to another, get there faster, easier, smarter, sexier and possibly more wealthy. We want results we can count on that offer a level of stability, even though we know only a few things can be fully guaranteed.

Over time, I’ve played with different structures and frameworks to build upon to go after what I want. Along the way, learning how to adjust and utilize those structures to stay active and more importantly how to rest. Ultimately, with the mindset of, what do I want to experience that is fulfilling?

If we can visualize one goal or experience at a time and what needs to be done to make that happen, prioritizing gets easy. We all have many goals and want to address multiple areas of life. All of it can get done with the right framework and hierarchy of importance.

Leaning into a more simplified and streamlined approach to life, the more we can move through all of the ups and downs of life and more confidence arises. The more we challenge ourselves and move through the uncomfortableness of it, the more assured we are with ourselves.

Art & Science leverage frameworks to be innovative while focusing on solving one thing. I’ve learned how to take those methods and apply them to my life.

A framework is a foundation.

Within that framework, goals can move through them to be accomplished. With a framework, areas of life can be examined to see what needs more attention and nurturing. While other areas might need a little decluttering or revamping.

All frameworks have a system, a cycle, or a process of intaking information, doing something with that information by outputting a result and then yielding something from it.

Last week I mentioned how focusing on one thing helped align everything else, here’s a link.

So let’s dive into details about how to apply a framework.

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” — Soren Kierkegaard

4 Pillars to build a foundation.

There’s an old naturopathic book written in the late 1890’s by a German physician. During his years of study and research with his patients, he found that we only need four things to keep ourselves healthy for longevity.

Can you guess what they are?

We all need sunshine, good hydration, daily exercise and a spiritual connection to something bigger, preferably in a community. He wasn’t advocating for religion per se, but there was a clear indicator that we need to experience an elevated state of being that connects the mind, body and soul.

We really are complicated house plants. If these four elements aren’t in place, illness will slowly creep in. If our mindset is out of line, our body will follow.

Modern medicine continues to confirm how important all these areas are needed as well. This is our foundation. How we decide to make this happen each day becomes our personal framework to living life.

I see this foundation as even more vitally important in today’s modern life to put in place so we can build a life on top of it. It allows us to continue evolving even further and experience even more out of life.

Let’s assume we have our foundation in place, perfect or not, and we want to add on to it.

Moving a goal through the framework

  1. Hierarchy - Focus on one main goal in an area of life for 1-3 months that has been needing attention. What do you need to prepare to make this goal / interest happen? What needs to be reordered to make this a priority? How can your foundation help you accomplish this goal?

  2. Daily activity - Along with all the current obligations, how can a new goal be added realistically to work on each day? How much time can you spend each day working on this?

  3. Assessment - Look at milestones each month to assess progress. Big goals tend to show slow progress, but progress is still made. How can you assess your progress? How are things going? Are there any tweaks to make in the second and third month?

  4. Iterate - After a bit of time making progress and assessing the situation, what would you do differently? Is there anything you want to keep? How would you make the next round of goal setting better?

“Success is a science, if you have the conditions, you get the results.” – Oscar Wilde


Whenever you're ready, here’s how I can help you:

If you're looking to strengthen your internal intuitive guidance, I'd recommend starting with an affordable journal. It’s a process that I currently use.

The Intuitive Journal. Transform your inner world into a sacred sanctuary with The Intuitive Journal. This 6 month journal will guide you through a daily system I’ve used to increase my guidance from hardly there to a confident superpower. Tap into your own guidance here.




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The information provided on this website and during any intuitive reading or healing session is not to be constructed as medical or psychological advice and is not a replacement for medical care, diagnosis, prescription, therapy, counseling or treatment of any kind. Always refer to a licensed healthcare professional for medical advice and before making any changes to diet, exercise, treatments, therapies, supplements, etc. 


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