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#55 Stop looking for passion, follow this instead

“Don’t follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

It’s common nowadays for people to talk about following for their passions and searching for their purpose. But it’s actually quite a new phenomenon that we've been able to select careers, pick hobbies and create unique paths.

When we feel like we haven’t found that “it” thing, we equate this to some sort of failure.

Or when we do find a passion and it’s flatlined, it starts to feel like our world is ending.

It can put us in a mini-crisis and have us spinning in an existential meltdown for far too long.

It’s easy to lose sight of the original reason we were passionate about something when we’ve been doing it for a while. Or realize there wasn’t a real motive in the first place. 

So we have to take a step back from our actions, and peel back the layers to get.

Passion is important, don’t get me wrong. But it ebbs and flows. And if we’re only dependent on that emotional sensation, we’re setting ourselves up to follow an illusion. 

If we have strong intentions around what we want, we’ll develop a deeper sense of knowing where we want to go when our energy pulls up forward.

It’s also important to remember that we change over time. And what was once exciting and fresh when it was new, will become normal, routine and even mundane.

We might think that it’s done and it's time to find something new. Maybe that is the case. Or maybe it needs to evolve. Maybe it’s another indicator to change instead of starting from scratch.

Either way, we always want to pay attention to our energy. It's not our emotional state in this instance. It's more about balancing what’s on your mind and where do those little sparks of joy want you to move towards.

And that’s the energy we want to follow. We want to pursue that enthusiasm when it pulls us towards something. Even when we are moving through our to-do list. Even when there’s hard tasks at hand, we can still want to get excited and use that same determined energy to tackle what we need to do.

What if I don’t feel any sparks of joy? Or any energy pulling you towards something.

Make time to get bored. 

Create enough space to see what crosses your mind. 

Is there something that starts to pop up in your mind? Something that starts to sound interesting? Is there a place that might seem vaguely interesting to visit? 

The idea is to move towards anything that can get the momentum going.

Clean your house. 

When you shift the energy in your environment, you clear out the staleness and stagnation. It will affect you very quickly. Who doesn’t love a clean house? 

Open the windows and get a fresh new breeze. Then see what new outlook is coming through. There will be one. And that’s what you need to follow. 

These energetic tugs forward don’t have to be a big and grandiose idea, keep it small and attainable, so you can actually do the thing and move towards it.

Where does your energy want to take you? 

Allow yourself to go there, even if it feels silly at first. 

Here are 6 quick rules to follow your energy. 

The goal is to bring out those sparks of creative interest from within.

  1. Don’t worry about who’s going to say something to you, it’s your energy.

  2. Don’t worry about what others might think, it’s not your business.

  3. Don’t worry about when there will be an outcome, the timing is out of your control.

  4. Don’t worry about where to look for it, it’s about moving through the process.

  5. Don’t worry about why your energy is pulling you in a direction that seems foolish, follow it anyway.

  6. Don’t worry about how it will benefit you, following it is the benefit.

Go make a dent in the world. Follow your energy and eventually passion will spring forth and a purpose just might be there waiting for you. 

Allow yourself to move in your vital flow of energy and you’ll be living in your true authentic self.

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Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Private Sessions. Creative professionals easily burnout and feel blocked and fatigued by the hustle culture. Wisdom Healings provides services to innovate your life, remove burnout while being energized to intuitively create. Schedule A Call

2. The Intuitive Journal. Transform your inner world into a sacred sanctuary with The Intuitive Journal. This 6 month journal will guide you through a daily system I’ve used to increase my guidance from hardly there to a confident superpower. Buy Journal

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